Family reunions, high school reunions, or church homecomings can be special and meaningful times. Reunions include seeing people you haven't seen for a long time, reminiscing about old times, and simply having the privilege of being together. The Prayer Retreat at Nosoca Pines Ranch was the best kind of reunion!
The former pastor of the Morganton Church, Rick Mercer, and the former leader of Prayer Ministries and Women's Ministries in the Carolina Conference, Cindy Mercer (right), were the speakers for the weekend. Having them back in Carolina brought hugs, stories, laughter, and joy. They led everyone in times of prayer, inspiring attendees to pray boldly, pray for those God puts on their hearts, and to be persistent in their prayers. Rick and Cindy are prayer warriors, and witnessing their transformation and joy in prayer was inspiring.
The Carolina Conference Prayer Line (left) also enjoyed a reunion! Many were able to put a face to the voice of their prayer line family for the first time. Others reunited after long periods of distance. YouthPray, the Carolina Conference Youth prayer line (above), which meets on Tuesday nights via Zoom, gathered in person as well. The beauty of prayer is the family it instantly creates. We are children of God, adopted into His family, and when we come together in prayer, we sit in our Father's presence. A prayerful reunion is the best kind of reunion, offering a glimpse of what heaven will be like.
If you missed the retreat, you can join the Carolina Conference Prayer Line every Monday night and experience love and support through prayer. The prayer retreat served as a beautiful reminder that one day soon, we will all be together again, face to face with our Lord and Savior, sharing hugs, smiles, and never having to say goodbye again!
—Beth Grissom, Director of Prayer Ministries