On March 5, youth groups and individual teen registrants throughout the Carolinas gathered in the Spartanburg Church’s gymnasium for the 14th annual Alive Youth Rally. In March of 2020, approximately 500 teens were able to gather and attend the youth rally just weeks before pandemic gripped the nation in a lockdown. In 2021, the Alive Youth Rally became a
virtual event, and while impactful for those who participated, it was always the hope and prayer of leadership for the rally that it could once again meet in person in 2022. The Lord blessed, and with low COVID-19 numbers in the region, the rally was planned at half capacity with a live-stream option for those unable to attend.

The theme for the event was “Scarred,” highlighting speaker and former professional wake
skater Matt Manzari’s incredible testimony of surviving two death-defying accidents. The second of these accidents, being electrocuted with the equivalent voltage of six electric chairs, left much of his body severely scarred from burns and skin grafts.
In his three sessions, Matt shared his testimony of God’s goodness in his life and his experience of healing both his physical and emotional scars. Matt challenged listeners to
embrace their own stories and emphasized that no wound or scar was to big or to small for God to heal. Between sessions, participants enjoyed meals, Bible-themed field activities,
and the ever-popular catching of Alive t-shirts, which were shot into the field with potato cannons. Music was provided by Southern Adventist University’s Engage Ministries.
Many students attended from Mount Pisgah Academy. Youth leaders shared feedback that they and their kids had been challenged and blessed throughout the event.

The greatest part of the day was witnessing 17 teenagers come forward and surrender their lives to Jesus.
Plans are already underway for the next Alive Youth Rally on March 4, 2023, with associate youth director of the NAD, Armando Miranda Jr.
—Ross Knight, Associate pastor for youth & young adults , Spartanburg Church