Getting the Word Out
One of the primary functions of the Communication Department of the Carolina Conference is to generate publications and media that bring news and updates to our constituents, such as the Carolina Action magazine—now an online, as well as print, publication. In 2017, we launched the “CarolinaSDA” mobile app (available for Apple, Android, and Amazon Fire devices). In 2020, we initiated the www.carolinaaction.org news blog, providing a central digital hub for our stories and a launching pad to share them on social media.
The Southern Tidings is distributed each month to the home of every member of the Southern Union. Each issue includes a two-page layout of news from our conference. We also provide feature stories for the magazine.
These media platforms not only keep us involved in following up on stories and taking photos at events around the Conference but also help us stay connected to our constituency and inform them of what’s happening around the Carolinas.
Supporting Others
To keep our local church communication leaders informed, we send monthly e-newsletters offering tips and suggestions on how best to fill their role. We also hold workshops for training and instruction purposes, and in turn they provide stories about events that occur during the year at the local level.
Our department produces graphic design; social media; video; print and digital marketing; live streaming; and web support for all other departments in the Conference. Our in-house video production studio allows us to create promotional and informational videos as well.
Reaching the World
People around the globe are trekking to the Carolina Conference every day through our www.carolinasda. org website and our social media platforms. We are on Facebook (www.facebook.com/carolinaconference), Twitter (www.twitter.com/CarolinaConf), and YouTube.
The Kathy’s Kids Storytime podcast was launched in 2017. Hosted by Kathy Russell, children’s ministries director, this podcast shares life lessons and Christian values in story form for kids ages 3-12. In 2020, the website kathyskidsstorytime. org was launched to facilitate the podcast’s growth, now closing in on half a million downloads. The women’s ministry podcast,
Joy in the Weeds, launched in 2020, now has nearly 15,000 downloads. This podcast for women is hosted by Beth Grissom, women’s ministries director, and Kim Cove. Our popular Carolina Conference and Carolina Conference Camp Meeting podcast channels host sermons from events around the Conference.
The Carolina Conference was the first conference in the denomination to have a Roku Channel. It hosts presentations from events and shows from Project ReFresh.
Project Refresh
In October of 2018, the Carolina Communication Department launched Project ReFresh, a multi-media initiative to bridge the gap between the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its young people (ages 18-35).
The Loop—a video series that takes the mystery out of things like dealing with insurance or buying a car.
What If?—Students from Adventist universities are encouraged to participate in the “WHAT IF” vlogs, a series that chronicles what happens if they experiment with positive life choices.
Echo—The Echo podcast/video series brings together various viewpoints to find a common ground.
Tiny Chair Talks—a video series intended to open conversations about difficult topics.
Forward—a blog that inspires young people to keep moving in their walk with Christ.
As I Am—a video series that highlights testimonies of real people in the church. The first season focuses on the Carolina Conference leadership.
Since the last Constituency Session, the Communication Department has won three “best in class” and one “honorable mention” from the Society of Adventist Communicators (SAC) for their media content. In 2019, Courtney Herod received their “Young Professional” award. In 2021, the department was the first in the NAD to be certified by the Institute for Crisis Management.
Associate Director
Assistant Director for Media Ministry