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Writer's picture: Eric BatesEric Bates

Families that Reflect Christ

The objective of Family Ministries is to disciple families in their walk with Christ so that they reflect God to their friends and neighbors. As our families grow in His likeness, they will Embrace Carolina with the Compassionate Call of Christ. Ellen White stressed the evangelistic impact of a Christian family when she wrote, “One well-ordered, well-disciplined [discipled] family tells more in behalf of Christianity than all the sermons that can be preached” Adventist Home, p. 32.

Activities and Resources

To reach our goal of strengthening and rebuilding Carolina families, Family Ministries provides the following: Romance at the Ranch (a marriage enrichment retreat), From This Day Forward, Camp Meeting seminars, Journey Toward Intimacy, divorce recovery, marriage seminars, parenting seminars, family emphasis Sabbath, anti-pornography seminars, and more. At the conference level, we provide families with resources produced by the North American Division and the General Conference Family Ministries departments.


Additionally, Family Ministries maintains an up-to-date library from which families and their pastors may borrow resources at no charge. We keep relevant materials on hand and available so leaders may hold small group sessions at the local level. The more emphasis placed on our families to maintain a healthy outlook and keep them growing in God’s grace and mercy, the better off our church is collectively.

Biblical Counsel

In addition to providing scheduled activities, we pray for families in the Carolinas, and when requested, minister to them individually. Couples and families are given biblical counsel and are referred to other Christian professionals for additional ministry. Our intent is to help families thrive during the difficult times in relationships and life as well as the more peaceful seasons.

Keeping a Vision

Putting it simply, our vision is to nurture healthy families for eternity.





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