On March 24-26, a group of Adult Sabbath School teachers, Superintendents, Community Service Leaders, Personal Ministry Directors, and Elders came together for a weekend of training and inspiration at Nosoca Pines Ranch. Dr. David DeRose was the weekend’s keynote speaker. He shared the Timeless Healing Insights from the gospel of Mark. In addition, eight breakout sessions equipped attendees with a variety of topics.
Royce Snyman provided resources and insights highlighting the GROW model for teaching and preparing the Adult SS lesson. Community Service Director Dr. David Graham spotlighted “Attaining the fullness of Christ through serving on the frontline.” Lorna Dever and Wanagua Hartwell shared how effectively helping people facing food deprivation is like serving with the hands of Jesus. Ray Gray’s theme, “Stand Up and Stand Out,” challenged leaders to meet the “end time” emotional needs of the church and community. Stacey Ashmore shared the remarkable story and lessons from God guiding him and his church to serve their community in Greenville, South Carolina.

The schedule also allowed time for attendees to enjoy Nosoca and network with others around the conference. On Saturday evening, Jennifer LaMountain’s concert exalted God and moved all to worship Him.
Feedback from attendees indicated the weekend was practical, helpful, and inspiring. Please save the Adult Sabbath School and Community Services date for the last weekend of March at Nosoca Pines Ranch. The organizers welcome others to join them for this event.
—David Wright and David Graham,
Directors of Adult Sabbath School Ministry and Community Service Ministries