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From The President’s Pen

Writer: Leslie D. LouisLeslie D. Louis
Zooming Carolina with Prayer

“Zoom!” Before 2020, I thought of this word as simple onomatopoeia—something that mimicked the sound of a revving car or a racing child.

But since the COVID-19 crisis, it has taken on an entirely new meaning. Zoom has become a household word, a technological marvel of connectivity, saving us thousands of dollars in travel and countless hours with committee meetings, decision-making dialogues, and cherished gatherings with family and friends.

As we entered this year with a heartfelt desire to experience the outpouring of the Latter Rain leading to Pentecost 2025, we began a season of prayer for 10 days across North America. At my home church—Charlotte Sharon Seventh-day Adventist Church—our elders voted to extend this to 30 days of prayer through Zoom gatherings every morning at 8:00 AM and every evening at 7:00 PM.

In 2 Kings, we find the story of Elijah’s transition to Elisha. As they approached the Jordan River, Elijah struck the water with his mantle, parting it so they could cross on dry ground. Then, in 2 Kings 2:9, Elijah asked his successor what he could do for him before being taken away. Elisha responded, “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit.”

Elisha wasn’t asking for twice as much power as Elijah had. Rather, he sought the inheritance of the firstborn—a spiritual birthright that would equip him to continue Elijah’s prophetic ministry. He recognized the weight of his calling and knew that fulfilling it required power beyond his own capabilities.

Seeking a double portion of someone’s spirit, as did Elisha, is not inherently wrong. It demonstrates a hunger for God’s anointing and a willingness to carry forward the mission of those who have come before us. However, such desires must be approached with humility, integrity, and a heart devoted to serving God and others. That kind of readiness is cultivated through fervent prayer.

When we fold our hands in prayer, God opens His hands in blessing. During this Pentecost 2025 season, we in Carolina are praying for a double portion of God’s Spirit—to witness a double portion of hearts turned toward heaven. We are asking for a harvest of over 2,000 souls for Christ, building on the momentum of the 1,000+ souls we have seen come to Him in each of the past three years.

Yet, we must remember: God is more interested in a love relationship with us than in what we can do for Him. He walks alongside us, guiding us into His purposes, but it is He who accomplishes the work through us. Jesus is all we need. He is our way. He is our map. When we follow His leadership one day at a time, we will always find ourselves in the center of God’s will.

Let’s make it our priority to enter into a deeper love relationship with Christ before praying for the outpouring of the Latter Rain. Jesus speaks to us today, saying, “Get to know Me and adjust your life to Me before you proclaim My gospel message.” Take time alone with God each day in this new year—not with a focus on what you need to do next, but simply to enjoy His presence. He will show you the way, for Jesus never fails.

As the timeless hymn reminds us:

Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord;

Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word.

Make friends of God’s children, help those who are weak,

Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.

Your servant leader,

Leslie Louis

Carolina Conference President

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