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Generous Donor Provides MPA With New Creation Pieces

Abby King

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

Over the summer, our principal, Remy Guenin, received a notice that a generous donor was offering to provide Seventh-day Adventist high schools with a set of Nathan Greene giclees to display in their school building. The set is composed of seven prints depicting the seven days of creation from Genesis 1. Guenin was excited about this opportunity and wrote a thoughtful proposal, promising that these paintings, if donated, would be put to good use and appreciated by the school. In September, we received the paintings, unsure of the best location to display them. Considerations were made for placing them in the library or in the hallway. However, the best location was found when Dr. Tricia Markoff, our science teacher, discovered that these paintings had been donated.

Markoff went to school with Nathan Greene, the artist, and had been contemplating purchasing these exact pieces to display in her classroom. The creation story has science woven throughout, perfectly displayed by the subtle additions of equations and symbols interwoven into the paintings. What a blessing when Markoff learned that these pictures had been donated and she would be allowed to utilize them in her recently painted and redecorated classroom.

The seven Nathan Greene giclees are now proudly hanging in room 101, the designated science classroom in the MPA administration building. These paintings serve as a daily reminder to our students of our creative, gracious, and loving Heavenly Father.

- Abby King, Marketing Director

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