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Virtual Academy Days @ MPA

Abby King

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

On May 1-3, 2020, Mount Pisgah Academy hosted their first ever virtual Academy Days, in order to creatively follow social distancing requirements. The weekend kicked off with an email on Friday evening which included resources for the 60+ students who registered. Adam Boyd, Tyler Hedges, and Abby King created a special campus tour video <> for potential students and families to view the campus and discover what MPA has to offer.

(Photo Credit: Nancy Parra)

Sabbath morning, Pastor Jo Ottinger, MPA chaplain, presented the Sabbath School lesson via Facebook Live, and created a video <> discussing the spiritual atmosphere on campus, and opportunities for students to get involved in service.

Sunday morning began with a question and answer time for prospective parents with MPA’s administrative staff via Zoom. Next, also through Zoom, participants experienced a typical class rotation where four of MPA’s teachers talked about their classes and what students can expect of the academics on campus. The weekend closed with a fun Kahoot! game on MPA trivia. The three students with the most points won $50, $25, and $10 Amazon gift cards.

After the weekend event, visitors were encouraged to submit short videos to earn scholarships. A total of over $32,000 was awarded to students for their audition videos in the categories of band, basketball, choir, English, hand bells, math, praise team, soccer, and volleyball. Scholarship recipients were mailed a letter with their scholarship amounts and a new MPA T-shirt.

Mount Pisgah Academy is looking forward to a great 2020-2021 school year. Mark your calendar to join us for Academy Days next year, April 31 – May 2, 2021! Registration is

—by Abby King


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